The use of Idebenone in the
treatment for Friedreich's Ataxia
Since November 1999, we began a pilot study to evaluate the
efficacy and the side effects of Idebenone in eleven
children and teenagers affected by FA, followed at
Marie-Enfant Hospital in Montreal. We have analyzed the
evaluations of those children. Ten adults are still
undergoing treatment at the University of Montreal Health
Center and their evaluations are not completed
Freidreich's Ataxia is a hereditary
disease with an onset during childhood or adolescence and
that is characterized by balance and coordination problems
(ataxia) associated with a thickening and a weakening of the
function of the cardiac muscle (cardiomyopathy). This
disease results from the marked reduction in the production
of frataxin in the cells of the affected individuals. This
decrease in frataxin leads to an accumulation of iron in the
mitochondria, especially in the nervous system and the
heart. The mitochondrias are structures that generate energy
in the cell and that can be compared to the carburetor in a
car. When the mitochondrias do not function properly, it
leads to a raise of the levels on certain products in the
blood, including malondialdehydes that we measured
throughout the study.
After having considered different
approaches to increase mitochondrial function, we decided to
study Idebenone in about twenty patients affected by FA. We
chose that medication for different reasons. First, we knew
that French researchers had used Idebenone with some success
(especially at the cardiac level) in three patients affected
by FA. Furthermore, we knew that this medication had cause
an amelioration in patients affected by Alzheimer's disease,
without causing any side effects, which led us to believe
that Idebenone could act in the central nervous system
without significant toxicity risks.
We gave a daily dose of Idebenone of 5 mg
per kilogram per day to eleven children or teenagers
affected by FA. They were evaluated systematically before
starting treatment, and every three months until the end of
the treatment. This evaluation included a medical visit, a
thorough cardiologic evaluation, functional tests to measure
balance and coordination, blood malondialdehyde dosage and
finally blood and urine tests to make sure there were no
toxic effects from the medication.
After one year of treatment, those
repeated evaluation enabled us to observe either a slight
amelioration or a stability of the cardiac function in all
the children or teenager treated, which is very significant
since we would have expected a deterioration of the cardiac
function during that period. Balance and coordination
problems were stable in eight patients and worsened in the
three others. The blood levels of malondialdehyde stayed
high in all the children or teenagers. Thus, Idebenone does
not have major effects on ataxia or the function of
mitochondria, at least not at this dose. However, the fact
that eight of the eleven patients were stable could indicate
a partial efficacy of the drug. Finally, we did not observe
any side effects or toxic effects of Idebenone in
Although the results are not spectacular,
we think the study on Idebenone needs to be continued since
it is the first medication that cause an amelioration (even
though mainly at the cardiac level) in FA. In the next few
weeks, we will discuss with experts about the possibility of
raising the daily dosage of Idebenone in the treated
children and teenagers, or to combine this medication with
another medication that could increase mitochondrial
function and a way that would be complementary to
Text written by Michel Vanasse,
Translated by Fanny Chagnon
These people participated in the study at
Saint-Justine's and Marie-Enfant Hospitals in Montreal,
Ms. Denyse Bernard, occupational therapist.
Ms. Louise Chicoine, physical therapist.
Ms. Monique Émond, physical therapist and research
Dr. Anne Fournier, cardiologist.
Dr. Guy Lepage, researcher in nutrition and
Dr. Massimo Pandolfo, neurologist and head of the
Dr. Michel Vanasse, neurologist.